Monday, March 16, 2009

Another Rugby Game

I have missed Matthew's last 2 rugby games. The first one I missed because I was sick, the second was because the weather was cold and misty (and Claire wasn't going to be at the game, so I really didn't feel like sitting in the cold and rain by myself). Sunday, Matthew had another game. This time the weather was beautiful, and the game was at the team's home field (even though for us, the "home field" was an hour's drive away!). Unfortunately, Bertrand couldn't play, which meant Claire didn't come, so I did have to watch the game alone. Here are some pictures from the game. Matthew said this was his best game yet...even though the team lost. To find him in the pictures, look for #12, or you can look for his gray shorts under the rugby shorts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was tricky to find the number 12, however thanks for the clue abour the grey undershorts-- that worked! Especially in the ' bottoms-up picture!haha It looked like they had good fun. I loved the pictures of the church.