Friday, February 4, 2011

Recurring Nightmare

Have you ever had the dream/nightmare where you are back in college and have somehow messed up your classes?  I have this recurring dream where I am back at Clemson, walking to class, and realize that I have no idea where my next class is.  The class starts in 5 minutes and I am scrambling trying to figure out what building on campus I need to go to, never mind what classroom!  A friend here told us he has a dream where it is halfway through the semester and he realizes there is a class he is enrolled in, but has never gone to.  Or maybe that was a true story he told us...

Motherhood has brought a whole new level to this nightmare.  Last night I dreamed that I ran into Matthew on campus in between classes.  I asked him where Jacob was, and he told me he was asleep in 'our' dorm room. He told me he had to get to class, but don't worry, "he's asleep, he'll be fine."  I started panicking, what am I supposed to do with this baby?  We both have class, but I can't leave him alone! 

Hopefully this won't continue with him popping up in my high school nightmare where I can't remember my locker combination.  It would probably become something like he is in the locker and I can't remember the combination so I can get him out.  

Does anyone else have these kind of dreams?  Nothing like that ever happened to me in high school or college, so I am not sure where it comes from.  Hmmmm....

(I guess I should just be glad that I am sleeping long enough to dream at all!)

1 comment:

Amber said...

"glad enough to be sleeping at all", yes yes yes. Now that i'm sleeping more too i'm also having trippy dreams. Sometimes Victor is grown up and I can't remember his life or recognize him, sometimes i've misplaced him or nonchalantly left him somewhere like what you were saying. Funny how it's a new take on the old school nightmare!