Sunday, February 8, 2009

Super Bowl XLlll

I don't know how we would survive here in France without our Slingbox and TiVo! Since the Super Bowl was playing about 1:00 am here, we recorded it with the TiVo. Monday, we invited some friends over to watch the game. Everyone was instructed not to look up the score beforehand. We also invited Bertrand, Claire, Mark, and Silke to enjoy this great American pastime. Our apartment is rather small, but we were all able to fit into our living room to watch the game. In all, there were 16 of us. Bertrand spent a good bit of time trying to recruit Preston to play rugby. The highlight of my night was when the guys decided to demonstrate a 'scrum' for Preston. For those of you unfamiliar with rugby (as most Americans are), the scrum involves the men locking themselves together as tightly as possible. In order for the second line to "lock-in", it is necessary for them to put their arms through the legs of the first line and grab on, at, groin, area. (You might remember in my blog about how happy I am that Matthew is not a player in the scrum!) In the pictures, please notice Preston's face as Bertrand "locks-in". It is priceless!

1 comment:

Jen said...

What fun!! I can't wait to join in on the fun at the next Cabe SB Party! Great pictures... I lol'd!