Sunday, February 20, 2011

Parlor Sofa

You will be very happy to hear that this post will not contain one single sentence concerning Jacob or his sleeping schedule! 

You might remember that back in December my family came to France for Christmas and to meet Jacob (Matthew's family didn't get to come because their flight was canceled -twice- because of the big snow storms). 

Jacob's great-grandparents (my dad's parents, whom we call Nanna and Pappy) also came.  They have been married for 58 years, and have one of the best marriages I know.  They are still very much in love with each other and it is completely adorable to watch them interact.  They love to sing together.  This can be a little bit embarrassing when they break out in song in the middle of a crowded restaurant, but even then, it is fun to watch.  I am not sure how this started, but the morning Nanna and Pappy flew home, we got them to sing a few songs for us.  Nanna tells the story of the songs, but the video isn't the best quality, so I will go ahead and recap the story here: 

Nanna's father- Curtis Mitchell, who we called Popo, was a great musician.  While waiting on his wife, Zelpha (we called her Momo) to get ready, he would sit at the piano and write songs.  The two songs Nanna and Pappy sing in the video are 'Parlor Sofa' and 'Little Bitty Fish'.


1 comment:

Leigh said...

This is a precious treasure to have! Glad you thought to do it.