Sunday, November 9, 2008

Play Date with Lisa

Bertrand had his little girl, Lisa, this weekend. This afternoon, Bertrand, Claire, and Lisa came over to our apartment. Lisa is about a year and half old, and she is adorable! We walked to a park that is close to our apartment. It was about 5:00 when we got to the park, but because of the time change it was already getting dark. We still had a good time watching Lisa play. It was especially funny watching her try to play with little boy that was also at the park. She kept touching him and poking his cheeks. She could not understand why he wouldn't play with her, or why he wouldn't go down the slide. Lisa doesn't say a lot of words yet, but her favorite word to say is "Papa". Everytime she sees a motorcycle, a bike, a man, or a tree (etc) she would say "Papa!". She also says "encore! encore!" (again!again!) everytime she goes down the slide. When we came back to the apartment, Lisa took Matthew's Braves hat. Of course we had to get a picture of her in a Clemson hat too! Here are some pictures of our play date with Lisa.


Claire et Bertrand said...

Thanks a lot for all theses pictures, this blog is very "chouette" like we said today when we entered in your flat!!!
Claire and me were laughing when we read that french just wear black and grey clothes.....but it's really true, just look at the pictures of today :-)
We hope that you will have lot of fun here.

Jen said...

She is cute! I can't wait to introduce her to Sophia. Lets try to chat again this week sometime.. maybe we can catch each other online then I can call and not be so distracted as I was last night. We got our visas today but that was a painful process! But, it is done. Whoo hoo! It is so for real now. :) See y'all soon.

Cathie NeSmith said...

Kim, it looks like you've really made headway with the apartment. I really envy you for getting to live this experience. A chance of a lifetime! Your pictures are great. Matthew looks like a natural on the "play date" --better look out! I have this site posted in my office so I'll be keeping in touch. By the way, I'm going to Italy with a few girlfriends in the summer. Maybe I can talk them into making a little side trip :-)
Cathie NeSmith