Wednesday, November 17, 2010

39 Weeks (and 6 Days) Update

It is hard to believe that my due date is tomorrow!  I feel like a yo-yo, going back and forth between being SO ready to meet, hold, kiss, cuddle, and simply stare at this baby... and then I have moments of total fear, "I don't think I am ready to be a parent" "I am not ready to give up my free time" "My life is never going to be the same, and I really love my life right now"...

BUT, ready or not, here he comes! 

My mom flew in on Sunday night, and I am so excited that she will be here for the big day.  We did find out that only Matthew is allowed in the delivery room, but knowing she is at the hospital will be such a relief.  Another great thing about her coming is that she brought all of the nursery bedding from Pottery Barn.  Finally!  You might remember my earlier post about starting Jacob's nursery.  His nursery also serves as our guest room (aka my mom's room for the next 7 weeks), our home office, and our general junk room.  It is definitely not what I envisioned as the nursery for my first born.  We will only be here for about a year more, so I shouldn't complain.  It serves its purpose, and I guess it could always be worse.

I have been working on some little arts and crafts projects (mostly to keep me busy while Matthew was in China for those 5 weeks in September and October).  It was nice to finally be able to put his bedding on the crib and see (almost) everything put together. 
(And for those of you who are worrying about my mom's ability to sleep sharing a room with a newborn, have no fear.  He will be sleeping in our room in a cradle while she is here.)

I also had a doctor's appointment Monday afternoon.  Everything still looks great, but he thinks it could be next week before I deliver.  He went ahead and scheduled an appointment for next Monday morning, so we will see if I make it to that appointment or not.   I feel much better than I thought I would at the end of a pregnancy.  I haven't gotten any stretch marks, my belly button hasn't popped out (yet?), and except for the ridiculous swelling in my ankles and feet that make it so that only my tennis shoes fit, I really don't have any complaints.  I have actually really enjoyed being pregnant.  I thought at this point that, if it was offered, I would jump at the chance to be induced.  However, for now, I am quite content to stay pregnant and enjoy feeling his kicks, movements, and hiccups.  But, ask me next week and you might get a different answer!

So, for now, Mom and I are just trying to stay busy and enjoy our time together. 

39 Weeks (and 5 days)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I agree that the waiting is a bit nerve-racking, but he'll get there in the end.

We had my eldest in bed the first week home... I was breast-feeding and just plugged him in when he needed it. Then he moved to the pram by the bed, then pram at end of the bed then I think it was at a month that he got put in his bedroom because he was such a noisy sleeper.

I know you're not supposed to have them sleep with you in bed but we did anyway cos it felt right and I was way too tired to be jumping up and down fetching him from his cot. :)

and my wv for today is 'breste' - how appropriate!