Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tic Toc, Tic Toc

40 Weeks.  5 Days.  2 cm.

(or at least I was 2 cm dilated yesterday morning at my midwife appointment.  But she also said it could be 4-5 more days!)

Dear Jacob,

You have been a model citizen of my uterus over the last 40 Weeks (well 38, since you didn't exist for the first 2) and 5 days.  You didn't give me morning sickness, stretch  marks, crazy food cravings, or (many) hormonal break downs.  You listened to me when I asked that you not come while your daddy was in China.  And, after he came home, you obeyed and waited a little while longer until your grandmother could get here from the US.  You even did as you were told when your daddy asked that you not come on Saturday night during the Clemson game.  You have been a very good boy.  But now it is time to come out and meet everyone.  Please.

Your dad and I have tried every trick in the book to coax you out, but you seem to be taking your sweet time. 

So, desperate times call for desperate measures.  I read on some new-age/touchy-feely website that perhaps you are receiving negative vibes from the outside world, or perhaps you are fearful of the birth process (and truthfully, I am too...).  If this happens to be the case, let me assure you there is nothing to fear out here.  There are only a bunch of people who already love you a lot and just want to meet you.  And I promise, I forgive you for all the middle of the night bathroom trips, the way that you are able to simultaneously ram my bladder with your head and jab your feet into my ribs (you must be tall like your dad), and the seemingly endless hiccups that, without fail, always start around 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning.  All's forgiven.  You can come out now.  We love you.  And your daddy really, really wants to meet you.


Jacob at 33 Weeks



Barbara said...

Hopefully Jacob will be here sooner rather than later! I can't even imagine the anticipation!

Amber said...

My doc said that as a rule of thumb in France they only let you go six days past your due date before the induce you.. no plans for that to happen since you're five days past?