Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I would like to thank the acadamy...

I have been blogging for over 2 years now, and I love when complete strangers write comments on my blog entries.  How they find my blog, boggles my mind, but I love it.  I also find it completely astonishing when I see the map widget on my blog that shows where my readers are from.  I have had visitors from all over the world.  Amazing!

Now, I am extremely proud to announce that I have won my first blogging award.  I know!  So exciting!

Keith over at A Taste of Garlic bestowed upon my blog the very prestigious "It’s really hard to reach my feet Award" for my entry last week about my hormonal breakdown at the medical lab.

I would first like to thank baby Jacob for causing these insane hormones that reduced me to tears in the middle of French medical lab.  But most importantly, I would like to thank my husband.  After all, without him, none of this would be possible.  ;)

I would also like to thank Piglet over at Piglet in France for visiting my blog and leaving a comment that told me I had won this award!


Unknown said...

Kim - believe me, without all you pregnant expat women in France doing crazy things, my job a A Taste of Garlic would be so much more difficult!

I might even have to try and hunt down some pregnant expat men doing crazy things!

Congratulations on your award - have you thought of visiting La Poste any time soon (you'll have to read Piglet in France and Traveling Amber to understand that reference!)

All the best


Leigh said...

I have certainly enjoyed reading your blog! You write very well and you have great pictures to go along with it. I'm really looking forward to meeting you in person. Congratulations on the award!